Excluding and hiding is no way to lead
Jon writes a dues check, becoming the first Los Angeles Times journalist to pay union dues in 137 years.
In January and again a few weeks ago I asked my opponent, current NewsGuild President Bernie Lunzer, to a debate. He refused.
Tonight Lunzer is having a digital town hall to talk with members about his re-election campaign. Though I am a dues-paying member, he’s refusing to allow me to attend.
“Jon - no thank you. Not a debate. Have your own Town Hall,” he said over email.
The way this election has gone proves we need a change. A democratic union is a stronger, healthier union — one that promotes elections, debates, conversations and is inclusive to all members.
I started voluntarily paying dues so I could run for president while our first contract is wrapped up at the Los Angeles Times. As a working journalist, I know first-hand what’s happening in our industry and what it’s like to build a new shop from the ground up. I am proud of the work we’ve done to make the L.A. Times Guild strong.
I’ve traveled across the United States and Canada to engage with thousands of Guild members. They’ve told me they want to see a debate in this critically important election. I agree with them that we would benefit from a meaningful discussion by the candidates about the issues facing our union.
Unfortunately, our 11-year incumbent president disagrees. He was AWOL during the grassroots organizing drives at The Times and other shops that have grown our union, and now he’s hiding from his challenger.
We need a leader who believes our union should prize debate and dialogue and include all of our members in the democratic process.
If you haven’t already, please vote. Here’s how.